User Geometry
constructor(location: LngLatAlt = LngLatAlt(), phoneHeading: Double? = null, fovDistance: Double = 50.0, inVehicle: Boolean = false, inMotion: Boolean = false, speed: Double = 0.0, headingMode: UserGeometry.HeadingMode = HeadingMode.CourseAuto, travelHeading: Double? = null, headHeading: Double? = null, inStreetPreview: Boolean = false)
phone Heading
is the direction in which the phone is pointing
travel Heading
is the direction in which the phone is moving
head Heading
is the direction in which the head tracking is pointing (not currently implemented)
The heading prioritization comes from iOS - see
collection - used for calculating callouts, two possibilities: course (travel), user (head), device (phone), or user (head), device (phone), course (travel)
presentation - user for audio positioning: user (head), course (travel), device (phone)