Package-level declarations


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data class BoundingBox(var westLongitude: Double = 0.0, var southLatitude: Double = 0.0, var eastLongitude: Double = 0.0, var northLatitude: Double = 0.0)

Bounding box usually follow the standard format of:

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data class BoundingBoxCorners(var northWestCorner: LngLatAlt = LngLatAlt(0.0, 0.0), var southWestCorner: LngLatAlt = LngLatAlt(0.0, 0.0), var southEastCorner: LngLatAlt = LngLatAlt(0.0, 0.0), var northEastCorner: LngLatAlt = LngLatAlt(0.0, 0.0))
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data class Circle(var center: LngLatAlt = LngLatAlt(0.0, 0.0), var radius: Double = 0.0)
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data class IntersectionRelativeDirections(val direction: Int, val feature: Feature)
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data class Tile(var quadkey: String = "", var tileX: Int = 0, var tileY: Int = 0, var zoom: Int = 0)