
open class Feature : GeoJsonObject

A Feature object represents a spatially bounded thing. Every Feature object is a GeoJSON object no matter where it occurs in a GeoJSON text.

o  A Feature object has a "type" member with the value "Feature".
o  A Feature object has a member with the name "geometry".  The value
   of the geometry member SHALL be either a Geometry object as
   defined above or, in the case that the Feature is unlocated, a
   JSON null value.
o  A Feature object has a member with the name "properties".  The
   value of the properties member is an object (any JSON object or a
   JSON null value).
o  If a Feature has a commonly used identifier, that identifier
   SHOULD be included as a member of the Feature object with the name
   "id", and the value of this member is either a JSON string or


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@Json(name = "bbox")
var bbox: List<Double>?
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In the (abridged) Feature object shown below

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@Json(name = "geometry")
var geometry: GeoJsonObject
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@Json(name = "id")
var id: String?
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@Json(name = "properties")
var properties: HashMap<String, Any?>?
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@Json(name = "type")
var type: String