Package-level declarations
A Feature object represents a spatially bounded thing. Every Feature object is a GeoJSON object no matter where it occurs in a GeoJSON text.
A FeatureCollection object has a member with the name "features". The value of "features" is a JSON array. Each element of the array is a Feature object. It is possible for this array to be empty.
A GeoJSON object represents a Geometry, Feature, or collection of Features.
A Geometry object represents points, curves, and surfaces in coordinate space. Every Geometry object is a GeoJSON object no matter where it occurs in a GeoJSON text.
Each element in the "geometries" array of a GeometryCollection is one of the Geometry objects LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, etc:
Coordinates of a LineString are an array of positions
Coordinates of a MultiLineString are an array of LineString coordinate arrays:
Coordinates of a MultiPoint are an array of positions:
Coordinates of a MultiPolygon are an array of Polygon coordinate arrays:
Point coordinates are in x, y order (easting, northing for projected coordinates, longitude, and latitude for geographic coordinates):