interface ITileDAO


Link copied to clipboard
@GET(value = "tiles/16/{x}/{y}.json")
abstract fun getTile(@Path(value = "x") x: Int, @Path(value = "y") y: Int): Call<String>
Link copied to clipboard
@GET(value = "tiles/16/{x}/{y}.json")
abstract fun getTileWithCache(@Path(value = "x") x: Int, @Path(value = "y") y: Int): Call<String>
Link copied to clipboard
@GET(value = "protomaps/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt")
abstract fun getVectorTile(@Path(value = "x") x: Int, @Path(value = "y") y: Int, @Path(value = "z") z: Int): Call<<Error class: unknown class>>
Link copied to clipboard
@GET(value = "protomaps/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt")
abstract fun getVectorTileWithCache(@Path(value = "x") x: Int, @Path(value = "y") y: Int, @Path(value = "z") z: Int): Call<<Error class: unknown class>>