
fun parse(intent: Intent, mainActivity: MainActivity)

There are several different types of Intent that we handle in our app

geo: These come from clicking on a location in another app e.g. Google Calendar. It contains a latitude and longitude and an optional text description.

soundscape: This is our own format and we can do what we want with it. Initially it was the same format as geo but put the app into 'Street Preview' mode with the user positioned at the location provided.

shared plain/text : If a user selects 'share' in Google Maps and Soundscape as the destination app, then we receive a Google Maps URL via this type of intent. To use it we need to follow it to get the real (non-tiny) URL and then pass that into the Android Geocoder to parse it.

The behaviour for all of these URLs is now to open a LocationDetails screen which then gives the options of: Create Beacon Street Preview Add Marker

Navigation to the LocationDetails is done via the main activity navigator.