
Release notes


This release is still very limited in its features but as ever a lot has changed since the last release. Many of the changes over the last couple of months have been in underlying code, the biggest change being that the app is now using a single source of geographical tile data. The same tiles are used to draw the GUI map and to generate the audio callouts. These come from a standard mapping server (protomaps) which is much more cost effective to run than the iOS soundscape-backend server. We are generating our own mapping data from OSM and have flexibility to style the map and its contents to match our requirements both for the GUI and the audio callouts. The map in the cloud now covers the whole world which means that the app can be tested anywhere.

We’re releasing the app to:

  1. Enable wider testing and check support across a wider selection of real world devices
  2. Get initial feedback on accuracy of geographical data especially for auto callouts
  3. Get feedback on location/heading and audio beacons
  4. Measure map tile consumption and UI performance
  5. Evaluate Google analytics feedback and where we can extend it
  6. GUI accessibility testing. There have been a large number of accessibility improvements made to the GUI.

It’s most definitely NOT yet for real use. For any issues found, or questions you have, please open an issue on the github page.


Onboarding screens

These are based on the iOS screens and guide the user through language selection, permissions, and beacon style selection.

A note on audio callouts

Although based on the iOS code, the audio callouts are currently a much reduced implementation. They are there to test that the geographical data is being interpreted correctly and that the framework for audio callouts based on location and heading works. One of the main areas of near term work will be to extend these callouts to better match the complex scenarios that the iOS app supports.

Home screen with UI map

A long press on the map now brings up the Location Details screen which allows creation of an audio beacon, or entering Street Preview mode. Tapping the beacon marker will delete it. Clickable items on the home screen that are implemented are:

Soundscape service

This runs even when the phone is locked. This means that a beacon can be set and then the phone locked. The audio beacon will continue to sound. The service can be stopped and restarted by clicking on the icon in the very top right of the screen. The service is responsible for the audio beacon play out and the audio callouts.

Some of the options within the Menu have been implemented:

Opening the app

The main way that a user might open the app is by tapping on its icon. However, there are other ways that we’ve also implemented.

Missing features

Everything else!

Features currently in progress (in rough order of completion):

Testing guidance

We’re interested in all feedback relating to the API, but are particularly interested in: