
Release notes


This release is still very limited in its features and again we’re releasing it to:

  1. Validate our build and release processes
  2. Check support across a wider selection of real world devices
  3. Measure map tile consumption and UI performance
  4. Evaluate Google analytics feedback and where we can extend it
  5. Get initial feedback on location/heading and audio beacons
  6. A UI sanity check.

It’s most definitely NOT for real use. For any issues found, or questions you have, please open an issue on the github page .


Missing features

Everything else!

Features in progress:

Note on the UI maps

The maps are being served up from on a free account. This is limited to 100k vector tiles per month. The tiles are cached on the phone, but the limit is easy to eat into. As a result, during testing, feel free to zoom into your local area but don’t go zooming in around the world until we get a feel for our usage. Using is just for initial development.

Testing guidance

Here’s a description of the two sets of screen. If anything listed in “what we expect to work” doesn’t match that expectation then please file a bug. If it’s only listed in “What will be a bit iffy” then it’s not worth filing bugs on yet. If the guidance doesn’t make sense, let use know and we’ll clarify it!

Onboarding screens

On first installation the user will be guided through the onboarding screens. Once they have been completed, the only way to return to them is to uninstall/reinstall the app.

What we expect to work:

What will be a bit iffy:

Home screen

This is the main screen with the map.

What we expect to work:

Known issues

Some of these are currently tracked on Jira. We should probably move this to GitHub where everyone can more easily access it.